Wednesday, January 6, 2010


SO... Yes...

I am one of those girls... I have a missionary.

Here is the story...

I met Zach on my very first day of high school. I liked him the moment I met him. Not like a boyfriend, just liked him. He wasn't one of the popular kids in school, but neither was I... I don't think. I was just your average 'Plain Jane' in high school. I was very friendly and what some might call a "social butterfly". But I wouldn't say that I, or Zach, qualified to have the title "popular". We would hang out in the same places with the same people and we would always flirt and get along quite well.

It wasn't until the summer before our senior year that we started to actually go on dates. Zach was my first kiss. Yes, I had my first kiss when I was 17 years old. I'm talkin' like... I was 17 years old the very first time my lips EVER touched someone elses. We stayed best friends but decided that we shouldn't be exclusive; afterall, we were still in high school. We were "off & on" for about a year and a half. We never really broke up for any real reason. We always got along well; we never faught about anything. I think the only reason we didnt consistently date was becuase we both knew that Zach was going to serve a mission and I did NOT want to write a missionary.


We dated, for a long 8 months before he left on his mission. We saw each other almost everyday for those 8 months, we did every thing together! We even went on family vacations together, we were inseparable. He left in August 2008... He is an ocean away from me now and I miss him dearly. He was my everything and I never thought that I could love anyone more than I loved Zach, until... Tyler.

DUN DUN DUN... To Be Continued.

Just a Mormon girl.

Hello! I am just a Mormon girl from SLC Utah. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is April.
I am 21 years old.
I was born and raised here in Utah.
I am 5' 7".
I have brown hair and brown eyes.
I have a low stress desk job.
I am also a hair stylist in SLC.
When I grow up I want to be a stress free kid inside my older woman body.
My favorite movie is my life. I can't wait to see what's coming at me next.
I love music, all kinds. Mostly the chill singer songwriter type. Rap and Alternative take up a lot of space on my ipod though.
My motto is to live life as if there were no tomorrow... no regrets.

My relationship status is single... sort of.
I'll tell you more about that later.

Here I am. It's January- 2010.... and I'm April- 21.

~AP-REAL. :)